2013 Mini Grant Recipients

In 2013, we awarded mini-grants to the Sport & Medical Sciences Academy, the Hartford Police Athletic League, the Central Connecticut State University Athletic Training Program, and Bulkeley High School Historical Center. The Hartford Police Athletic League used the funds to further their work of providing athletic opportunities for under-resourced kids, while also fostering a connection between the community and their police force. The CCSU Athletic Training Program used the mini-grant to help students who could not afford to pay membership fees become a part of the National Athletic Trainers Association , which plays a key role in networking within the profession. It also helped them with professional development and helped further their education. The funds also covered transportation costs, allowing students to volunteer and provide medical care for youth sports camps. Finally, the mini-grants also supported Bulkeley High School’s Historical Center, which connects present and future BHS students together, inspires all students to achieve their goals, and instills confidence in them. In line with our own mission, each of these organizations were able to increase their impact and provide opportunities to kids who may not otherwise have them.